• Gallstones are deposits of digestive juices that harden into stones that can be as tiny as a speck of sand or as big as a golf ball. Someone with gallstones may experience a variety of symptoms, which are typically painful.


    The pain that gallstones precipitate occurs when a stone is large enough to block the common bile duct or the duct from the gallbladder.


    Someone with a gallstone problem may have a feeling of sudden pain that may become much worse in a short amount of time. The pain is typically in the upper right hand portion of the individual's abdomen.


    This pain may also happen to someone in the middle part of his abdominal region, below the breastbone. A gallstone attack can bring pain that seems to emanate from between the shoulder blades or in the right shoulder.

    Time Frame

    While gallstone pain may be brief and subside after a few minutes, this pain can last as long as a number of hours before it stops.


    In some instances, someone may have gallstones but incur no symptoms from them. Other people can have such a terrible amount of pain that no matter what position they assume they cannot withstand it, requiring immediate medical attention.


    Gallstones Symptoms:Mayo Clinic

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