• Anorexia is an eating disorder. The affected person struggles for control in their lives to the point where they are obsessive about what they eat. They closely monitor what they consume. They compulsively work out to burn off all calories ingested and lose weight.

    Weight Loss

    Not only do anorexics lose extreme amounts of weight, but in some cases their extreme weight management causes them to lose their lives. They starve themselves to the point of death.


    Some signs of anorexia include: picky or no eating; taking diets pills and laxatives; exercising obsessively to the point of exhaustion; and frequently weighing oneself.


    There is no single cause of anorexia. Having a mother or sister with anorexia increases your chances of being anorexic. Trying to obtain the unrealistic weight standards set by the entertainment and media is another thing that can lead to anorexia.

    Long Term Risks

    Anorexic behavior can lead to long term health problems. Depression, heart problems, and infertility are some of the health effects.


    It is possible to recover from anorexia. To be successful, a comprehensive approach which treats the physical weight issues and the underlying psychological issues is required.


    Women's Health

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