• The bezel setting is popular for diamond wedding rings as well as other types of diamond rings. It has a classic, elegant look and can be used in many ring designs.


    A bezel set diamond lies flush with the surface of the band, creating a modern, streamlined look. Though part of the diamond is hidden inside the band, the diamond retains its lustrous shimmer.


    The bezel setting may be the oldest jewelry setting, since the process of creating it is relatively simple, some claim. This cannot be verified, but we do know it has been popular in jewelry creation since ancient times.


    The bezel setting secures the diamond in place and gives it protection from possible damage. It's unlikely to be scratched and cannot be dislodged as some styles could. As says, this makes it great for anyone with an active lifestyle.

    Method of Creation

    A bezel setting is created using a type of precious metal (like gold or silver). After a jeweler places the diamond into this setting, he presses the rim of the band over the diamond to secure it in place.


    With its elegant beauty, the bezel ring is a popular style of engagement ring. It also is frequently used in other types of rings such as the promise ring and the eternity ring, in which a series of stones with beveled settings circle the ring, which is often given on an anniversary or other special occasion.



    American Museum of Natural History

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