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  • The definition of sex or sexual intercourse has changed as times have changed. The definition of virginity has changed as well. Teens today define sex in completely different terms than the teens of simply 10 years ago.


    Previously, sex between two people was defined as any sexual activity that resulted in orgasm, including oral and anal sex. However, teens of today only consider intercourse between a man and a woman to define a truly sexual relationship.


    The addition of oral and anal sex to normal teenage routines increases the chances of the spread of sexually transmitted diseases. It also increases the chances of hurt feelings between teens.


    Any type of sexual activity has taken less significance in the minds of most teens today. These activities, including mutual masturbation, dry sex, oral sex and anal sex, are not considered "true" sexual intercourse because they cannot result in pregnancy.


    While only sexual intercourse can lead to pregnancy, all forms of sexual play that result in the swapping of fluids can result in sexually transmitted disease. Condoms should be worn to prevent the spread of disease.


    With the current teenage opinions on sexuality, there is an increased risk of spread of disease. Many teens think that a condom or dental dam is not needed for oral or anal sex. However, without proper protection, any type of sexual play can spread dangerous diseases.


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