• <h4 class="dechead">On One Hand: Full Coverage

    Comprehensive car insurance protects the insurance holder's vehicle in the event of theft or damage. If you cause an accident, damage your car, are the victim of theft or vandalism, or are hit by an uninsured driver, comprehensive insurance will cover the cost to repair or replace your vehicle.

    On the Other: Don't Forget About the Deductible

    Comprehensive insurance often includes a deductible--the amount of money the insurance holder is responsible for paying before insurance picks up the rest of the tab. Most auto lenders require applicants to maintain a minimum $500 deductible; although some go as low as $250 and as high as $1,000. The lower the deductible, the higher the monthly payment will be.

    Bottom Line

    Comprehensive insurance will cover the cost of damage from accidents and theft, but the policy holder will be expected to cover part of the cost through a deductible. When choosing your policy, it's important to consider what level of protection you will need and can afford.


    Online Auto Insurance


    Coverage Definitions from

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