• Browning of leaves in houseplants is a common problem and usually a sign that your plant needs help. Because there are many causes, it may take a bit of detective work to identify the solution.

    Symptoms and Causes

    Browning at leaf edges or tips can be caused by an imbalance in water, fertilizer, or humidity. Brown spots on leaves can be caused by too much sun, low temperature, lack of water or insects. Browning of the entire plant can be a sign of too much or too little water. Other causes are insect, fungal or bacteria infestation.


    The plant soil should never feel soaked between watering. Humidity can be increased by putting plants on pebble trays containing water and misting them regularly. Over-fertilized plants, or one that shows whitish hard water calcification on the soil, should be flushed thoroughly with water or repotted in fresh soil.


    Insects can be removed manually or by washing the plant with mild detergent. Infested plants should be kept away from healthy ones.


    Choosing healthy, bushy plants will go a long way in preventing problems. Consulting plant tags and garden guides will help you select plants that are compatible with the conditions in your home.

    Care Tips

    Plant needs change throughout the seasons. A location near a window may be too cold at night in the winter and too sunny in the middle of the summer. They may need added humidity in winter when the house heat is on. If you put plants out for the summer, make sure they don't bring pests in with them in the fall.


    Interior Plants Selection and Care, University of Arizona Cooperative Extension

    Troubleshooting Symptoms and Solving House Plant Problems, The Garden Helper

    Houseplant Problems, Purdue University Department of Botany


    Houseplant Diseases & Disorders, Clemson University Extension

    House Plant Control Measures, West Virginia University Extension

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