• Although both are examples of substance abuse, an addiction to gambling and an addiction to heroin are usually treated separately. However, the underlying psychological issues helping to cause both of these addictions are often treated concurrently, in therapy or in another form of counseling.


    Heroin treatment has both a medical component, one often involving the use of drugs to aid detoxification and ameliorate withdrawal symptoms, and a self-help component, in which the addict seeks to learn to change his behavior through programs such as Narcotics Administration. Formal gambling treatment, by contrast, usually relies almost wholly upon self-help meetings, such as those conducted by Gamblers Anonymous.


    Self-help groups are designed to help the addict foster strategies to fight their addiction. The methods that underlie groups for gamblers and heroin addicts are similar, but their specifics are different.


    Because gambling, although addictive, cannot be medically treated, self-help is one of the only options for treatment.


    A person who develops strategies to avoid gambling and heroin addiction should be able to apply these methods towards avoiding other addictions as well.


    Much compulsivity and addiction is triggered by psychological or cognitive processes unrelated to the abused substances. Therapy or counseling is often used to change problematic decision-making or thought habits, which can help prevent relapses into addiction.


    Comorbity of Gambling Disorders and Other Psychiatric Disorders

    Narcotics Anonymous

    Gamblers Anonymous

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