• Power raking is a technique used to remove dead matter from lawns that collects over the winter. Power raking is one of the gentlest ways to do it without potentially damaging your lawn.

    Tools for Power Raking

    Any dethatcher can be used for power raking, as long as its blades are adjustable. To power rake a lawn with a dethatcher, set it on high and use knife-type dethatching blades.

    Difference Between Power Raking and Dethatching

    Power raking is performed for lawns that have a noticeable, but not significant, amount of thatch and dead matter. Dethatching is done when any lawn's thatch is 3 inches thick or more.


    When possible, power raking is advantageous due to the minimal amount of damage it does to your lawn. Dethatching rips out thatch, while power raking simply slices some of it off.

    What is Thatch?

    Thatch is matter in the soil, living or dead, which accumulates below a lawn. It can cause problems when the lawn roots itself onto thatch rather than soil.

    The Best Time to Power Rake

    Power raking provides the best results when done in the early spring, before the lawn recovers from winter and starts growing again. You can also power rake in the fall so that the lawn does not grow awkwardly due to the weeds that pop up in the spring.


    Dethatching and Power Raking

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