• The field of veterinary medicine continues to develop rapidly, with new advances in diagnosing and treating illnesses and diseases in pets and larger animals. Because of this, the demand for veterinary technicians is expected to increase by over 40 percent through the year 2016, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.


    Veterinary techs assist veterinarians with diagnostic tests and treatments, including hands-on work in the examination room and laboratory duties.


    In the lab, vet techs analyze blood and urine specimens for signs of illnesses and diseases, perform and develop x-rays, and use other imaging machines like ultrasounds. Techs may assist a veterinarian during a surgical procedure or gather history about an animal from its owner.

    Work Environment

    Vet techs who work in animal hospitals may have to work evening, weekend or holiday hours. Because the work of a vet tech may involve euthanizing an animal or watching an animal suffer, the position can be stressful and emotionally difficult.


    To become a vet tech, it is necessary to obtain a two-year associate's degree or a four-year bachelor's degree in the field. After graduation, prospective techs must pass an examination administered by the state in which they intend to work.


    In November 2009, the average annual salary for a vet tech was $44,000, according to


    U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Industry Overview

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