• Cholesterol levels fall into three categories, and HDL is one of them. Keeping an eye on it, as well as LDL and total cholesterol levels, will keep you healthy.


    HDL cholesterol is the so-called "good" cholesterol that helps keep the heart healthy and lowers the risk of developing often fatal conditions.


    It works by removing fatty deposits from arteries and moving them to the liver, where they can be removed from the body.


    HDL levels are defined as low once they reach 40mg per deciliter of blood for men or 50mg per deciliter of blood for women.


    Since HDL helps keep the heart healthy, low levels of HDL can lead to a buildup of fatty deposits in the arteries, which can lead to conditions such as atherosclerosis and heart disease.


    In order to raise HDL levels, eat healthy foods such as nuts, grains and plant sterols and drink a glass or two of wine per day. It also helps to exercise 30 to 60 minutes per day, three to five days per week.


    American Heart Association: The 'Good Cholesterol'

    Mayo Clinic: High Blood Cholesterol

    WebMD: Clogged Arteries

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