• How To Write An Essay:
  • Plan, Plan, Plan... Then to do it simply aim for this structure: Introduction (Don't give background info - just describe the object of your essay and tell the reader the structure your essay will have, and what conclusions you will make or what you will prove or consider). Section 1 / Argument 1 * Sub-points Section 2 / Atgument 2 * Sub-points Section 3 / Argument 3 * Sub-points Conclusion (Re-tell the reader what your essay looked at, what points you made, and what you find out. Then make an overall conclusion based upon what you have shown and discovered).
  • introduction, discussion, conclusion --- easy
  • I always used 3 simple rules, as well as the planning part with Jadey mentions above, the 3 rules are: 1. Introduction - tell them what you are going to tell them. 2. Tell them. 3. Conclusion - tell them what you have told them. Sounds simple enough, and it is a winning formula, served me very well over the years.
  • You have your introductory paragraph, which kind of serves as the 'appetizer' for your rhetoric. You spend the next paragraph or two discussing your main points. Your next few should support your main points. Your next to last paragraph summarizes your argument. Your last paragraph should drive your point home. Good luck.
  • Choose a topic. Resesrch it. Put pen to paper.
  • google it online and it will show you how

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