• Fair has nothing to do with it. Emotional need and hormones always seem to out-trump friends.
  • It ain't fair, but Alicia Honey said it well.
  • You will not give him a blow job at the end of the night, she will.
  • Well, I think you should consider finding someone else to consider "best friend". This one is a friend, probably a good friend, but a "best friend" usually will treat you with a higher priority.
  • I'm not sure that "fair" is the right word to use here. I'm thinking that "impolite" would be a better term. Although I understand why you are vexed with your friend, you have to realize that it's not unusual for people to blow off their friends in order to go see their SO's, especially during the honeymoon stage. He might come around after a while, or he may not. In the meantime, don't rely too heavily on this friend or try to make firm plans. Instead, just do your own thing.
  • It's not fair but your not along, my friend has done the same thing to many many of time. We aren't that close anymore.
  • If the plans made with you were long-standing and there was nothing unusual happening with the girlfriend, my feelings would definitely be hurt. However, if your plans were last-minute and the girlfriend got ill, or hurt, or something in her life had gone wrong, then I wouldn't be the least bit upset. Sometimes you don't agree with the priorities in other people's lives but you should respect them. Happy Sunday! :)

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