• (x+2)squared=(x+2)times(x+2) (xtimesx)+(xtimes2)+(2timesx)+(2times2) xsquared+2x+2x+4 xsquared+4x+4
  • x2 + 4 + 4x
  • Cherokeelady, I don't mind helping, but remember we're not a homework solving site. As I showed in another answer it's a case of sepearting it into two calculations, so you have (again I'm replacing x with a for simplicity): (a + 2) x (a + 2) which you can seperate into: [a x (a + 2)] + [2 x (a + 2)]
  • Let's imagine that x = 10, just for giggles. Then this problem is (10 + 2)^2. Well, you know that 12 * 12 = 144. Fine. But let's do this without combining those two numbers, okay? (10 + 2)^2 = (10 + 2) * (10 + 2) = 10 * 10 10 * 2 2 * 10 2 * 2 Okay? You saw how we got all of that, right? You're just doing the cross-multiplication for ALL of the terms in (10 + 2) times (10 + 2). Now combine all of the values we just cross-multiplied: 10 * 10 = 100 10 * 2 = 20 2 * 10 = 20 2 * 2 = 4 You can see the answer now. All that these problems are asking you to do is cross-multiply all of the terms, and then combine them to simplify.
  • Again, as I said an hour ago, the basic rule of Answerbag is that your thoughts MUST be in the form of a question.
  • I thought you were supposed to do your homework yourself. How will you ever learn? Ok, I feel sorry for your (x+2) squared is the same as (x+2)*(x+2) Multiply the first set times the other equals x2+2x+2x+4 which equals; x2+4x+4

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