• I think it's a form of deception
  • What if the question is social security number is optional and you don't want to give it for inmate purposes and you omit it..... It's not a lie but you don't want people to see it in fear that they might use it inappropiatley. mamasmurff719
  • Some might try to argue that point; but one is not always obligated to provide full disclosure.
  • Yes it is. That's why when you are sworn in during a trial, you pledge to tell the truth (don't lie out-right), whole truth(don't omit anything), and nothing but the truth(don't exaggerate or minimize). Lying out-right, omitting something, and distorting something are all forms of lying.
  • Only if you do it to leave a false impression. You don't have to tell everyone everything, but if you omit the truth to deliberately give a false impression, it is splitting hairs to say you didn't utter a falsehood.
  • Absolutely but you'd be a fool to spit it all out when a stranger asks you personal questions. Lying isn't so much the issue - it's why you do it that matters more We all do it to some extent. Go ask the priest where he keeps the tithe money. You'll see.
  • No, when I do it, it's a matter of privacy, thank you very much.

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