• Well the specific heat capacity of water is 4186J per KG. So if we divide that by 1000 so we get the Joules needed to raise one gram of water by one degree, and then times that by 550 so we get the Joules needed to raise 550 grams of water by one degree the equation would look like this. 4186J/1000=4/.816Jkg-1C-1 4.816Jkg-1C-1*550=2648.8J So 2648.8J is required to raise 550g of water by one degree. Now we need to raise the water by six degrees so we simply times that by six. 2648.8J*6=15892.8 You need 15892.8J to raise 550g of water by six degrees. Good question. And thanks for making me do some Physics Revision for my coming up exam! :D +5
  • 3300 calories. One calorie per degree per gram.

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