• Bipolar disorder, also referred to as manic depression, causes you to display severe mood swings, shifts in thinking and energy levels, and to exhibit behavior that ranges from mania to depression, resembling the opposite ends of a pole. The cycles of mood swings brought about by the disorder can be intense, and they can affect a person diagnosed with the disorder by interfering with everyday activities. As an alternative to prescription drugs, there are many natural ways to treat and manage bipolar disorder.

    Exercise and Therapy

    Increased physical activity is a natural means to treat bipolar disorder without drugs. Any form of physical exercise releases brain chemicals such as serotonin and dopamine, which are known to be happiness hormones or pleasure hormones. The release of these hormones can help alleviate anxiety and manage depression. Physical activities such as jogging, dancing, swimming or walking for 30 minutes a day greatly can contribute to a healthier mind. Therapy also is often beneficial. You can opt for counseling with a psychiatrist who can help target the triggers for depression and mania episodes. There are alternatives to talk therapy. Art and color therapy might be helpful, for these therapies can help calm and soothe your mind and help you effectively share thoughts that cannot be verbalized.

    Diet and Nutrition

    Fish should be a staple in the diet. Food for the Brain reports that fish that are rich in Omega 3 fatty acids, such as salmon, can lower the incidence of low points of depression for bipolar patients. Managing sugar intake is also advised. The frequent consumption of white rice, white pasta and white bread, including processed foods such as cakes and pastries, has been linked to the onset of depressive episodes in bipolar patients because these forms of carbohydrates consume mood-enhancing B vitamins while providing little nutrients to the body. To manage blood-sugar levels, Food for the Brain recommends a low glycemic diet. Instead of refined and processed foods, you should eat fruits, vegetables and whole foods. Alcoholic beverages must also be avoided as they can make depressive episodes associated with bipolar disorder worse.

    Education and Support

    Educating yourself, as well as your family and friends, is crucial for obtaining a general understanding of the disorder and its treatment. Consult with doctors, experts and organizations about your condition. You also can join support groups where people with bipolar disorder come together and talk about their condition. It's a healthy way of coping with bipolar disorder. You also should keep busy with hobbies and interests. Keeping your mind off the disorder can lead to less worrying about the situation. Doing something fun and productive is an effective form of treatment because it can help you manage the condition without having to take any prescription drugs.



    Food for the Brain

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