• The term "in the red" means a company is in debt and owes money to the bank or its creditors. The phrase has been used to describe a business's financial problems since the 1920s.


    Any business venture is considered "in the red" when its costs exceed its revenue in a fiscal year.


    Traditionally, accountants have used red ink to record negative numbers such as debt or loss on spreadsheets.

    In the Black

    Conversely, positive entries are recorded in black ink. When a company turns a profit, it is "in the black."

    First Use

    The term "in the red" first appeared in print in the 1926 book "Wise-Crack Dictionary" by Bruce Grant and George H. Maines.

    Operating in the Red

    Sometimes the phrase refers to a business that continues to operate without making a profit. Most businesses can only sustain operations in the red for a limited time before reorganization or bankruptcy.


    The Phrase Finder: In the Red

    Investor Words: Operating in the Red

    Teen Analyst: In the Red

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