• Having a baby is a memorable yet highly stressful time. Preparing for the arrival of your baby can be a very time-consuming and expensive part of the process--and getting the baby's room ready can be a major hassle. Yet with a well-thought-out plan, ample time, and some hard work, you can have a stunning nursery that is worthy of your new little bundle of joy.


    Paint is an easy and inexpensive way to spruce up a room, but think through your color scheme carefully--the standard pink and blue paints may emphasize the sex of your child, but it may not last long when you have to stare at it day after day for several years to come. Try choosing a neutral color to which you can add color splashes with a border or fabric options.

    Wall Borders

    Including a border or wall stickers is a way to add color and imagery to your baby's room with out it being a permanent solution. If you have purchased a bedding set from a local store, chances are there is a matching border available. Also, do not discount the value of wall hangings or other removable decals--you can change them as your baby grows older.


    You should make sure that the furniture in your baby's room is safe and that it blends well together. You can do this by purchasing sets from a baby store. If that is not in your budget, find one key piece that you can afford and use that as a jumping off point for the rest of your furniture. You can add paint or decals to your furniture to bring the look of your nursery together. Budget-minded parents can find great deals on furniture through online trading sites or at neighborhood sales.


    Select lamps that provide plenty of indirect lighting plus task lighting for activities like diaper changing. Include items like mobiles over the crib or bassinet to keep your infant occupied and allow her to develop her vision and motor skills. Include toys and bouncy seats so your child has a place to be outside the crib while you change bedding. If you do a themed room, coordinate even things like light-switch plates to give a pleasing appearance to the room.


    If you do choose a neutral base for your nursery, add colors through your accessories so that they room is not overwhelmed. When painting while pregnant, observe all safety precautions--wear a face mask, have plenty of ventilation, and, if possible, have someone who is not pregnant do the painting for you.


    Decorating Your Baby's Room on a Budget

    Decorating Your Baby Nursery

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