• A person with anxiety disorder may display nervousness and worrying to the point of obsession, restlessness, difficulty concentrating, sweating or nausea, and rapid heartbeat. As with most mental disorders, family and friends are affected as well as the patient. If you suspect a family member or friend has an anxiety disorder, there are a few things you can do to minimize the symptoms.


    Try to combat the common feelings of weakness or worthlessness by validating that what they're going through is tough and try your best to understand their concerns. Encourage them to seek help and allow them to use you as a sounding board. Avoid losing your temper at what seems to be a petty concern, and always avoid name-calling.


    Avoid situations that can cause arguments when panic disorders arise. Don't engage in confrontation over whether excess worry or obsession is justified. Avoid disagreements as much as possible, as they can only perpetuate anxiety. Forcing an anxious person to participate in an activity they're avoiding may heighten the negative effects of the disorder.


    Try to engage in relaxation activities with your family member or friend. Attempt to get them to do yoga, receive a massage on tense muscles or practice meditation with you. Prevent unnecessary stress whenever possible by removing trigger activities from being the focus. Keep things organized and tidy in the house, removing unnecessary clutter and helping them to clear their schedule for more relaxing activities. With their approval, engage in leisurely exercise, such as a nature walk or golf.

    Ongoing Support

    If your family member or friend has not gotten help, attempt to provide him with names of therapists in your area and offer to go to the appointment with him. Remind them that many people feel the same way. It's estimated that 13 percent of people have symptoms that meet psychiatric standards for anxiety disorder. Try to tell them that they'll feel much better after they've started treatment, and that seeing a therapist does not in any way indicate weakness.

    Understanding Treatment

    Be aware and understanding of the treatment process, as counseling may cause old feelings to surface and medications can have undesirable side effects. Weight gain and sexual dysfunction top the list of common side effects experienced while on anxiety medications. Some of these side effects diminish after the patient's body has become accustomed to the dosage. Ask your family member or friend to talk about side effects with his doctor if they're negatively impacting your relationship.


    Help Coping

    Symptoms and Causes

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