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  • Sexual perversion.
  • I have no idea. I think that pedophiles get off on the control aspect. They are a bunch of sick perverts who should be locked up for life in my opinion (or even better, let them loose in the general population of the prison -- problem solved.)
  • I'm guessing that the so-called "adults" are in the midst of arrested development, never having even reached puberty. They are at a child-like level in terms of outlook yet have a developed adult sexual drive and the two combine at the matrix of a Perfect Storm of devastation for the youngsters. They are children in adult bodies with adult drives and those whom they target suffer for it. :(
  • I think they like the innocence and 'purity'.
  • Dysfunction thy name is pedophilia. Many of these perverts have been molested themselves. That is why it is so frustrating to punish these criminals. If you watch that show Predator at all, it is just mind boggling how they all react the same way. Denial and no clue that they really are doing something so heinous. They are all sorry they got caught. Then, they get a slap on the wrist over and over and a few months or a year in the clink and are off doing it again. We don't have the answer to stop it that's for sure.
  • Feed the prevision of the dysfunction named pedophilia.
  • It depends what you call "child porn." Prepubescent porn is probably a sexual anomaly. However, there seems to be at least some evidence that sexual behavior is learned in mammals. Put two sexually inexperienced mammals together, and they generally have a hard time figuring out exactly how to copulate. It's possible that pedophilia is also a learned behavior for men. (Pedophilia is harder to practice for women, although just recently the BBC reported reporting is way up for woman->boy molestation cases in the UK.) Porn involving sexually mature minors (nowadays, these can be as young as 12, although 15+ is probably more the norm) is probably a side-effect of a natural inclination, at least amongst men, to be attracted to young, fertile mates who have a long reproductive life ahead of them. Couple that with a youth-obsessed popular culture that portrays a skinny, nubile young mate as a rite of manhood, and you quickly start seeing why some people probably find pornography involving Tracey Lords types appealing. They can't have it, but they can sure fap to it!
  • How can you analyze a perversion? Why are there pedophiles? It only works for them.
  • mentally ill sick fucked up people maybe

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