• Yes but get some mates to back you up.
  • If you arrived late for his class, perhaps it's YOUR behavior that's been inappropriate.
  • Yes, Nick, report him to the dean and drop the class.
  • I would.
  • Of course you can, but you will have to back up every single claim in detail: He looked at you ugly? write it down, when, where, at what time and what was going on at that moment. No one will take you seriously if you complain without backing everything up, because the mentality is that it isn't logical for a person to go all the way and treat you "unfairly" when you haven't done anything. It just doesn't make sense. Also, asses the problem correctly. Is it really worth it to report him? The school will be much more inclined to believe your teacher than you, just because of how easy it is for students to not like their instructors, for fairly or unfairly reasons. The situation could turn very sour and even against you, so be prepared for that. Do you have witnesses? Talk to them, but before anything, anything! Talk to your instructor first and explain to him/her that you might be wrong, but you are noticing rudeness and you would like to clarify things. It's a good place to start, good luck!
  • You could or you also try talking to him after class or during his office hours to try to politely express your feelings and find out what the problem is and how you can make it better.
  • if you are anything like your Internet persona in life, i would have to say don't bother, you are probably doing something to piss the man off and his dislike is justified
  • You may have done something to piss teach off like play with phone in class. Come next time ultra prepared for class, having read ahead and all that. Show it every class and you'll see it'll be better for both of you.
  • Yes you can and that may change his behavior and he probably will ignore you completely but after that you better drop the course and forget about getting any other classes with him or study really hard cause he will for sure remember your name while giving the final grades!
  • Firstly, pick your battles carefully. You could make life difficult for yourself over something relatively minor. Try and be the better person and prove your Prof wrong. Turn up on time, be attentive and do well in his class. Show that his preconceptions are wrong.
  • His wife probably filed for divorce that day...I'd let it go.
  • Do what other people are saying about reporting him (talk with him first, get witnesses, write down the When & What's, speak with the Dean about him) BUT DON'T drop the class. Quitting does nothing for you and he CANNOT fail you for behavior. Watch the movie Patch Adams and see what he does. He was at the top of his class and because of how he acted and what he did (stepped out of boundaries basically but for the better) he was dismissed from the school. He then showed proof of his grades and demanded fairness. He got back in the school. He might not like what you have to say and differentiates with all or most of your opinions and beliefs, but is not allowed to fail you because of this. He needs grades to do that. I'm guessing most of your opinions are based on your religion. Make sure to bring that up if someone tries to fail you or kick you out. They can't do that to someone who has opinions based on their belief. They as in the school. Yes you should report him for the full-on freak out, but speak with him first about the reasons why you think he hates you. If no improvements after that discussion then report him. If you fear him (I would) then feel free to use that against him also. If he had an episode for you being late that is something to be concerned about. Imagine him seeing you at the grocery store and you grab the last can of beans on the shelf and he gets upset haha. So if he's off that campus, ask yourself . . . would you be concerned he would hurt you??
  • spinning back kick
  • My biology teacher get's crazy like that. I just do my work, show up on time, and smile at her even though I'm not feeling happy on the inside. It seems to work.
  • You could secretly plot his demise by devising a devious and ridiculously convoluted plan to expose his outrageous behavior via video taped outbursts, then post them on various social networking sites using his real name and the classes he teaches. Or, just ask the councilor for a different prof.
  • When I was in the Navy, I worked for this senior petty officer who was always on my ass. Got tired of it one day and cursed him out. Getting "wrote up" (reprimanded) was expected, but what knocked me for a loop was this "hard ass" had been one of my strongest supporters. Unbeknowest (shut up) to myself, he had been lobbying for me to get a promotion. I effectively...excuse the expression...fucked that up. Your situation is probably different but I would respectfully suggest you ask yourself if there's anything you're doing to contribute toward being treated in this manner. * Is there room for improvement on your part? * Is this "harsh behavior" justified in any way? * Might the professor be attempting "tough love" tactics? * Have you requested a meeting with the professor to discuss how you feel? Again, these are just what you want. But things are often not what they seem to be. It's often prudent to attempt resolving conflicts congenially...and privately...before going off half-cocked.
  • ya know what? don't mean to be rude, but you really should just ignore his behavior and get on with your classroom stuff.........sad to say, there are many 'nasty' people in this world,,,,,and with types like that, you can never get through' to them, no matter what you say or do.....I'd just be on time, every time!! your work, and leave when the class is over. His being rude to you is HIS problem, not yours! believe me...... anything you try to do will be a waste of time and cause that much more resentment on his part.......ignore the sonofabitch!! lol.....
  • If you came to his class late then it's not for no reason it is for a reason. If you came to my class late you wouldn't get in without a tardy pass.
  • Did you ever stop to think he may see some great potential in you and is trying to push you into realizing your potential. This is often done with low achievers who are really very smart.
  • sit towards the rear of the class.. If the door is in the front of the class, then try to get there early so you can get to the rear without your teacher seeing you.

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