• Cases of cerebral palsy (CP), a neurological disorder that affects body movement and muscle coordination, have different levels of classification. (Ref. 3.) Cerebral palsy spastic diplegia is the most common form of CP. (Ref. 2.)


    United Cerebral Palsy estimates there are about 800,000 people with cerebral palsy in the U.S. (Ref. 1.) Seventy to 80% of the CP population has cerebral palsy spastic diplegia. (Ref. 2.)


    The most common symptom of cerebral palsy spastic diplegia is tight or spastic muscles, especially in the lower body. The tightness or spasticity can cause patients to walk with a scissored gait. (Ref. 2.)


    A person with CP spastic diplegia is more likely to walk with his legs inwards and knees crossed. (Ref. 2)


    Various CP treatments can loosen muscles, relieving symptoms of spastic diplegia. Botox injections, leg braces, and hyperbaric oxygen treatment can all help relieve symptoms of CP spastic diplegia. (Ref. 2.)


    Cerebral palsy spastic diplegia affects all limbs of the body. However, it is more prominent in the lower body than upper body. (Ref. 2.)


    4 My Child

    Cerebral Palsy Source

    National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke

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