• There are programs on the Internet that may look legitimate but, in reality, they are not. ErrorSafe is one of these fake programs. It can cause the main host computer and any other computer connected to it to have problems too.


    ErrorSafe is an executable program that falls in the category of malware, or malicious, programs. These types of programs are virus infections that can cause irreparable harm to a computer and any other device connected to it.

    The Facts

    ErrorSafe infects a computer by attaching itself to downloads or email. The user then downloads the infection thinking that it is safe and not knowing that it attached to the file. When the user opens the download, ErrorSafe installs itself.


    ErrorSafe can record, monitor and transmit private data from the host computer to someone at a remote location.


    ErrorSafe has certain characteristics that include slower speeds than is normal, almost complete CPU usage and constant crashing of the computer.


    Installing an antivirus program and keeping it up-to-date can prevent infection in the first place.


    Although it is not common, ErrorSafe can attach itself to your outgoing email and possibly infect other computers. Complete removal with an antivirus program is necessary.

    Source:, ErrorSave Confidence in a Connected World

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