• Palpitations are irregular heartbeats that may feel give you a fluttering sensation, a feeling of a skipped heartbeats or rapid heartbeats. Your doctor can evaluate your palpitations with the aid of diagnostic testing such as a blood tests, EKG, echocardiogram or treadmill exercise test.

    Medical Conditions

    Certain medical conditions may be the cause of heart palpitations, such as anemia, overactive thyroid or heart disease.


    Certain medications may cause palpitations. These include asthma drugs, thyroid medications, beta blockers and anti-arrhythmic drugs. In some cases medications that are used to treat irregular heart rhythms can result in a different type of irregular rhythm.

    Hyperventilation/Oxygen Level

    Hyperventilation can result in palpitations. Hyperventilation is rapid breathing that decreases the blood flow to your brain. In addition, a decreased oxygen level in your blood can also cause palpitations.

    Mitral Valve Prolapse

    Mitral valve prolapse is a condition where the valve between the left upper and lower chambers of your heart is not closing properly.


    Heart palpitations may be the result of intense emotions such as stress, fear or anxiety.


    If you are experiencing palpitations regularly, you should consult your doctor for a diagnosis. Some palpitations may be relieved by diet and lifestyle changes. However, you could have a serious condition that requires intervention and management by a health care professional.


    Heart Palpitations

    Mayo Clinic: Heart Palpitations

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