• Correct tire size is critical to the safe and proper performance of any vehicle. There are a few ways to determine what tire size is right for your car, and this information is important to obtain before you shop for tires.

    Tire Code

    Each tire has a code located on the outside indicating its size. If you are looking for car tires, the code will start with the letter P, identifying the car as a passenger vehicle. An example of a tire code is P255/75R15. The 255 indicates the tire's width in millimeters. The 75 identifies the ratio of height to width. R indicates the construction type as radial. Most passenger cars use radial tires. The 15 indicates the diameter of the wheel in inches.

    Owner's Manual

    If you bought the car new or the previous owner gave you the original owner's manual, the recommended tire size and other measurements can be found in that manual. The manual may also identify which types of tires to buy for different driving situations, including weather, performance and comfort. It might also identify when the original tires should be replaced.

    Tire Shop

    A tire salesperson can locate your tire size for you if you prefer. Once you have the number, you can shop around to find the best deal on a new set of tires.


    Dunn Tire

    Via Magazine

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