• The term "storage device" is used in the computing world to describe any device that can store data. Storage devices can take on many forms, from a computer hard drive to a portable media player.

    Hard Drives

    Hard drives are storage devices commonly used in computers. It is where programs are installed and files are stored. Internal hard drives are attached directly to a computer motherboard, and external hard drives can be plugged in via USB, Firewire or eSATA ports.

    USB Flash Drives

    USB flash drives are small devices with no moving parts. Data is transferred through a USB connection. Flash drives are great due to their small size and ease of use.

    Memory Cards

    Memory cards are typically found in digital cameras but are also used in many other devices. Like USB flash drives, they use flash memory to store and transfer data.

    iPods and MP3 players

    iPods and MP3 players are also considered storage devices. Though typically used for music and video, they can also be used as portable storage devices for data as well.

    Cell Phones and PDAs

    Some cellular telephones and PDAs also have internal memory, which can be used to store data.


    What is a storage device?

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