• An SUV is a sport utility vehicle, a type of automobile. Despite the rising fuel costs that occurred around 2005, four of the top 10 best-selling automobiles in 2008 were SUVs, according to Motor Trend.


    SUVs have a taller frame, similar to a truck, but do not have a bed. Instead, SUVs offer a second or third row of seats and are shaped more like a station wagon.


    SUVs come in three basic sizes--compact or small, midsized and fullsized or large. Some SUVs are considered luxury models and have more accessories than other types, while others are hybrid, meaning the vehicle runs partially on electricity.


    Many SUVs have four-wheel drive features that allow power to be evenly distributed to all of the wheels by pressing a button or turning a switch. The back of an SUV typically has a hatch with the rear windshield opening upward and the door to the trunk opening downward.


    In areas that receive a lot of snow, the four wheel drive offered in SUVs makes it easier to travel, and some outdoor enthusiasts use SUVs for off-roading. The hatchback of an SUV allows for a large amount of storage.


    With the exception of hybrids, SUVs are less fuel efficient, with some only getting 11 miles to the gallon in cities and 15 miles per gallon for highway driving.


    SUV Buying Guides

    Motor Trend

    Fuel Efficiency

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