• MPG is an important factor for automobile consumers. With the skyrocketing price of fuel, an automobile that requires less frequent trips to the pump is important.


    MPG stands for miles per gallon, the actual estimated distance your automobile can travel on one gallon of fuel. People today drive to work and for pleasure, and your automobile's mpg determines how much money trips will cost


    An automobile with good fuel economy is important because it can save money, help reduce pollutants that are emitted from the automobile and reduce our dependency on foreign oil.

    Improve mpg

    There are several ways to improve your mpg with the most obvious being by purchasing a fuel-efficient vehicle (for a list of fuel-efficient cars, see the link under References). However, even the largest of sport utility vehicles (SUVs) can have an improved mpg rating. The best ways to accomplish this are to drive better, maintain your car and carpool.

    Drive Better

    Everyone has a different perspective on how to "drive better," but in the world of fuel economy, it means to brake slowly and less often, reduce the amount of idling that is done and don't accelerate quickly. In other words, drive the car as gently as possible.


    A car will not operate without fuel and oil; they are the basic components of engine operation. But other routine maintenance will help improve a car's fuel efficiency. Routine engine checkups, checking tire inflation (read your owner's manual to determine the correct amount) and regularly checking and changing the engine's air filter will help improve fuel efficiency.


    Fuel Economy

    Best and Worst Cars for Fuel Economy

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