• Spreadsheets are computerized versions of printed ledgers, which are commonly used by accountants. Modern spreadsheet programs like Microsoft Excel make it easier for accountants, businesses and individuals to track figures and data.

    Less Paperwork

    When you use a spreadsheet instead of a ledger, you save paper (and trees). You no longer have to fill out and store paper ledgers.

    Quick Reference

    When you use a computer spreadsheet you can do an automated search of the sheet instead of having to flip and scan through printed pages to find data. It is also easier to organize the data for readability and quick reference.


    Spreadsheets are very portable as compared to printed ledger books. You can carry multiple sheets of data on one small standard disk.


    Spreadsheets come with built-in formulas and equations that you can use to do quick calculations. This reduces the time that you have to spend compiling your data.


    You can format spreadsheet to be more visually appealing and easier to read, such as changing the colors of fonts and data cells, adding borders, adjusting text size and font face, and adding pictures, charts and graphs.


    Spreadsheet Basics

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