  • No he was crap, he painted the worlds most famous painting worth billions, but he couldn't even draw a decent stick man.
  • I don't think he is, but Van Gogh was superb.
  • I heard he's a little dark.
  • Van Goth is a photography studio in the Phillipines. Vincent Van Gogh, however; is credited with some of the world's most popular (and expensive) pieces. I personally like Van Gogh's works. He has had an huge infuence on 20th century arts.
  • Van Gogh was ahead of his time in the art world at his time. He was innovative in his technique and was not influenced by the tradtional style of painting of his contemporaries.
  • Vincent Van Gogh is my favorite painter. I just saw about 12 of his paintings at the Metropolitan Museum of art in New York City last month. Here is a nice link to some of his work:
  • It's actually spelled Van Gogh and while he was alive he only sold one painting. After his death people started admiring his work, so beauty is truly in the eye of the beholder. The true argument is did Van Gogh get famous for his actions or his paintings?

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