• Modern tires typically last 40,000 to 50,000 miles. A tire can last a variable amount of miles depending on a few factors including proper inflation, avoiding road hazards, avoiding extreme driving, rubber quality of the tire and age of the tire.

    Maintaining Good Tire Pressure

    According to, gas mileage can be improved 3.3 percent simply by keeping tires properly inflated. All tires should be neither underinflated nor overinflated. Underinflation will cause excessive wear at the edges of the tire while overinflation will cause excessive wear to the center of the tire. Underinflated tires also tend to overheat which can lead to tire damage and even blowouts. This can be avoided by checking tire pressure weekly to maintain optimal levels of inflation in all tires.

    Avoiding Road Hazards

    There are many road hazards that can wear down the tire or destroy it including debris, deformities and collisions. Collisions with another car or objects like the curbside can cause tire damage. Debris like metal, glass and wood along with deformities in the road like potholes should be avoided at all costs as they can puncture and weaken the tire material. Also, avoid unpaved roads for optimal tire mileage, as the chance of debris and deformities is much higher.

    Avoid Extreme Driving

    Extreme driving habits like over accelerating, maintaining high speeds over 50 mph, and intentionally skidding or "fish tailing" will put excessive strain on the tires and may even lead to blowouts. Maintaining safe driving habits will extend a tire's length by avoiding excessive wear.

    Quality of the Rubber

    The quality of the rubber constituting the tire will affect the rate at which it wears as well as how much wear it can take while remaining functional.

    Age of the Tire

    The rubber in tires degrades with age, so older tires are weaker and less reliable than newer tires. Replace tires that are older than five years old to maintain optimal mileage.


    Tips to Improve your Gas Mileage

    Tires Last Longer with Proper Care

    Getting a Grip on Tire Fundamentals

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