• According to the American Diabetes Association, 7 percent of Americans suffer from diabetes. Keeping blood sugar levels in control is crucial to preventing the possible complications of diabetes.


    The A1c test is a blood test for diabetics that provides an overall indication of how well you control your blood sugar over an extended period.


    Excess sugars in your blood join with hemoglobin in your blood to become a substance known as A1c. By measuring the amount A1c in your bloodstream, your doctor gets an accurate picture of how often your sugars were too high during the period covered in the A1c test.

    Time Frame

    The A1c test provides a look at overall blood sugar control for two or three months. Because of this, your doctor is likely to order A1c tests every other month or four times per year.


    The A1c test is similar to other blood tests. Your skin is cleaned, a needle is inserted and one or more tubes of blood are collected and sent to a laboratory. When the test results are returned, your doctor will likely call you or set up an appointment to discuss them.


    Changes in the A1c test allow your doctor to modify the amount of insulin or oral diabetes medication that you might take to control your diabetes when it becomes apparent that your levels are too high. The test also helps with self-care, indicating whether you need to improve your diet or exercise more to control your sugar.


    According to the American Diabetes Association, each laboratory has its own method for performing A1c tests, meaning that there is no universal number that is considered "low" or "normal." Your doctor will evaluate your results based upon the information that comes back from the laboratory.


    American Diabetes Association

    Mayo Clinic

    Diabetes Statistics

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