• An intrautertine device (IUD) is a small piece of plastic shaped like a T. The device either contains synthetic progesterone or copper to prevent pregnancy. While there are benefits such as its low failure rate, the IUD also has several cons to consider.

    Upfront Costs

    An intrauterine device costs around $250, plus the cost of having a doctor insert and a three-month follow-up visit.


    Intrauterine devices are a form of birth control only: They do not protect against sexually transmitted diseases.

    Side Effects

    Side effects from a copper-based IUD include cramps and a more heavy menstrual flow. Intrauterine devices that use synthetic progesterone can cause mood swings, nausea and headaches.


    There is a small chance that an intrauterine device will slip out of the uterus, causing the woman to be unprotected against pregnancy.

    Pelvic Infections

    Use of an IUD increases the risk of pelvic infections, which can decrease fertility. The risk for pelvic infections is higher if the user has more than one partner.


    Intrauterine Device


    Birth Control Guide

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