• If i could not have children myself then for sure i would adopt otherwise i would like to continue my family blood line..
  • Yes, if I had the money.
  • Gladly, but I think it's a bit too late to ask my parents to give me up...
  • I think this has been asked before; but, I'll answer anyway. Yes I have and would love to do it; but, I don't have the resources right now.
  • Yep, when my daughter is a little older.
  • I have 3 children I gave birth to and an adopted daughter, whom I couldn't love more if I had given birth to her as well. :-)
  • When we get my mother married off, we'll be able to afford a child. Until then... :(
  • Yes I would love to adopt. I first must get my mind set right it is scary to think that one day that child could be taken away.
  • Yes, both ways. I would adopt a child if I could afford it and I would give a child up for adoption if I found myself pregnant again. It's the greatest love that can pass between total strangers. The Love for that child transcends all boundries.
  • I would, I already have 2 of my own, but love chldren and will adopt if it's the only way I can give my kids a little brother or sister and will love him or her as my own.
  • Yes, I have thought about it a lot. I can't say for sure might end up adopting.
  • If i couldnt ever have kids, then yeah id adopt.
  • No, I have a lovely 2yo boy and my misses is expecting a 2nd in August, we are quite happy with our own children. However we do sponser a child in Ghana (I think! Its somewhere in Africa anyway), we pay about 20 UKP a month, not much I know, but it is better than nothing and we are pen pals. We do have some adopted people in the close familly and if we couldent have children of our own then I am sure adoption would be an option.
  • Yes, I've thought about adopting a child one day.
  • Definitely. I think I'd adopt before I had my own biological children even, it isn't a ''second best'' choice for me if either my partner or I am infertile.
  • Absolutely not, but when I was, I had no choice.
  • Yes, no question about it. I am able to have children of my own and I know that is a blessing, trust me my daughter is the sunshine of my life, but if I were able to adopt a baby that really needed some love I would do it in a heartbeat and I would not love that baby any less than I love my own biological daughter.
  • I think about it all the time, but I don't think anyone else would take him! [kidding] I would love to adopt but my husband isn't easily convinced that we can treat an adopted child as we do our own. We talk about it all the time... maybe when our own kids are grown and married he'll reconsider.
  • I think i would as a last resort if all else failed!
  • Yes. I would like to adopt a girl from China and give her a better life.
  • I would consider adoption if my attempts were unsuccessful.
  • Of course. I am adopted and I plan on adopting most of my children. The way I see it is that it is unfair to bring other children into this world when there are so many out there already who need homes. Of course I completely see why people want biological children, but I don't really see that in my future.
  • YES Infact I had to give my 2 sons up for adoption and I know it was the best thing I could have done for them. I would choose adoption over abortion (murder) and time.
  • I would, but at 39 it's likely no family would take me. I grew up with four adopted siblings, three of another ethnic origin. I have one natural sister. Unless strangers noticed the skin tone differences, the issue of adoption never crossed our minds. We are as true a family as those who came from the same womb. Because of my experience growing up, I'd certainly consider adoption aas a viable alternative to natural childbirth. It can be an amazing experience.
  • yes I considered adoption. I was married five years before I had a baby. During that time I thought about adopting.
  • Absolutely. My wife and I are currently obtaining a foster care license, with the ultimate intention of adopting children who are in the foster care system, but cannot return to their biological parents. we expected to have kids in our home before year end.
  • We have discussed it many times, but we're still trying to figure out some things for our selves. We had discusssed adopting a child into the "middle " position there's 4 years between our two, but not sure if this is the best time.
  • I plan on it, later in my years.
  • Maybe.
  • Absolutely. My fiancee and I have already discussed it and would like to in the future when we are ready.
  • I don't know maybe a much older one. I can't see myself having the patience for a baby. If I got involved in a relationship with a person who had a baby and loved them enough to want to make a go of the relationship that's a different story but to go out and adopt a baby or have one of my own at 415 I feel I am too old for that.
  • Possibly, but I don't even know why
  • Absolutely.. in a heartbeat.
  • YES! YES! YES! I have only ever wanted to adopt! That is the only time I truly get jealous of people with kids! I already have their names picked out Katie & Sophie! I would like a 3 year old and a 5 year....girls of course! I have a ton of stuff for them that I have been collecting since I was little. I have had Katie's name picked out since I was 5 years old!
  • Defenitley i figure if my future wife waants to have kids i say why dont we adopt instead. Think about it its not your kid so you dont have to worry about screw up, think of it as a practise fun. NOw dont give that look how can you be horrible, that kid is gonna be better off than being in the adoption home thats for sure. We have our practise he lives in a decent home we both win.
  • yes i would!
  • No... (with a slight amount of "maybe") I have 5 children and 1 grandchild... I am 5 years from having them all out of my hair, and will not start over. My whole life has been about serving others, (family, country, community, etc...) and I long for a time when I can serve myself. Of course, when my selfish desire comes to fruition, I will probably not like it, and volunteer for something else. 20 years ago, my answer would have certainly been "yes"
  • If I were younger, I would certainly consider it. My baby is 34 and I could not possibly raise another child at this stage in my life. I think adoption is a wonderful option for people of child-bearing years to consider.
  • I have, she was 4 months old and now 14. Sweet as can be!
  • when i am old enough, i plan to adopt at least one child, i think that would be a great thing to do, to help somone that can't help themselves, and i plan on adopting an older child, because they are the ones that are always left behind, my dad was adopted when he was six, and before that he was pushed around from foster home to foster home, and i want to save a child that is gokng through all that pain, not having somone to love them all the time, i want to give someone who doesn't have a home, a home.
  • I sure would. I doubt I would ever be able to though because I don't make a triple digit income. Good for you who have adopted! :)
  • i sure would.
  • Yes, if I couldn't have my own children.
  • I'm 41 and don't have kids, so yes, it's definitely something I hope to do someday as I don't think I'll have time to have my own kids. Also, I have two sisters who are in the process of adopting. One is getting an infant from China and the other is getting a 6 year old from Russia. We are all very excited!
  • My little daughter is adopted. I normally do not think of that, she is the same as my others
  • i am working on becoming a case worker and i'd like to urge every single couple who'd like a child to adopt. it is a wonderful, life changing thing for both the parent(s) and child. everyone needs to be loved.
  • If I was finacally able.
  • Yes, but I doubt any agency would consider me a good candidate.
  • it would be a honour to give a child a chance to growup in a loving home .
  • Yes. Even before I knew it was my only option for having children, I had considered it.
  • Yes. I have 4 children who, surprisingly, all turned out OK so far! :) I grew up in an alcoholic family and had issues with drug abuse and depression. I was involved in abusive relationships. Somehow, I managed to raise 4 beautiful, healthy children who excel in school and don't smoke, do drugs, drink or screw around. :P It has occurred to me to adopt a child in need, to try and give them a better life so they avoid growing up the way I did. The only reason I haven't is because I am afraid of becoming embroiled in the "system" of DCYF.
  • Yes. My aunt has adopted several of her children, and fostered hundreds, my parents fostered 3 girls.. I would love to adopt one day..
  • no, not really...
  • Yes, there are soo many kids that need a good home and to feel loved just like anyone else. I think when me and my husband decide to have kids, we will adopt.
  • To show a child that you love them; not because of blood, but because of who they are is an incredible gift. I think adoption is an amazing thing. I wanted to adopt before I knew I even wanted children, and now I have my beautiful daughter, my partner and I are looking at adopting. I think it's important for people to understand just how many children need a decent home, and are just looking for some stability, love and respect.
  • Totally.
  • Definitely! If I did adopt, it wouldn't be a child from overseas. So many people adopt kids from other countries, when there are plenty of kids desperate for a home in their own. To those people I say: " Shame on you!"

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