• Luck DEFINITELY affects your chances of upgrading weapons successfully, that's why most players would beg to be Blessed and Gloria'd while doing forges and upgrades. But whether they affect loot quality and drop rates is highly debateable. I have 2 characters in my roster, an assasin and a priest. Although my critical assasin naturally has higher luck, This didn't seem to translate to more cards/better drops or better items from an OBB. My Assasin even got A SINGLE SILVER ARROW from an OBB once!!!! @_@ However, it won't hurt to ask a priest to bless/gloria you when opening an OBB, would it? ^_^
  • The Long Fact and list about Luck and misc Upgrading Luck help in Blacksmith Forging, Tempering metal and refining Enchanted elemetal Stone, doing critical hit for all class by 1 CRIT for evry 3 luck adding 1 perfect flee/Lucky Dodge to your charatcter for every 10 luck,and helping in increases the chance for Auto-falcon Blitz Beat for hunter during battle.Higher chance to Turn Undead for priest.Effects the success rate steal skill for thief and creating "Create Deadly Poison" for assasin cross. the bard /Dancers luck olso effect abit effectiness of they skill like ''Perfect Tablature''and "Lady Luck" (side note: katarsin have twice the chance for each CRIT than other Class:p ) About Drop rate: During RO in its alpha stage luck does affects drop rates if i not mistaken about 0,01% per luk Now.. luck do not effect item or equipemnet drop sice every monter have it own %chance to drop stuff and etc. xD luck olso help in decreases the duration time for certain Status Ailments like curse,poison, External Bleeding [Not Implemented Yet] ,Stone Curse and stun, NOTE: Luk only effects the effectiveness of certain -->skill<--- based on Luk own by priest, Dancers / Bards and hunter only. (note i dont know whether luk effect potion success rates. since i had stop playing emRO or roaming the ro forum anymore about more than a year ago.) For Upgrading Fact - luck and dex does not play any role or effect on upgrading your equipment.Since armour and weapon of [level1.2.3 and 4] have it own percentage chance of upgrade zone per every upgrade past the safe limits, example to make an +4 manteu is 100% and to make an +10 manteu or a +10 [level 4] weapon have only 10% succes chance to upgrade. still...... a bit of gloria would not hurt right?
  • luck will help u in increasing ur critical rate if u increase luck 3 times or more u will get 1 critical so if u increase 3 luck u will get 1 critical rate that is why most of assassins has a critical because they have alot of luck

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