• I feel sorry for them, and i have helped, on occasion. I am hardly living the 'high life' but yes i have helped in small ways. Homelessness is a rising problem due to the economy. No longer can someone justifiably say that it's their own fault, because with the continued loss of hundreds of thousands of jobs every month in this country, people are losing their ability to pay for even basic shelter. I pray it never happens to me.
  • I do feel sorry for them, and I feel guilty for feeling annoyed. I most often wish someone would help them so that I wouldn't have them to ignore. But I don't judge them. I don't want to give them money because I don't want to contribute to a possible drug or alcohol problem. So I have, on several occasions, offered to buy them some food; I've had only one accept that offer.
  • I feel a little of all. I've helped some, given them money and rides to places but deep down I wonder what chain of events has to occur for someone to get into that position in the first place? Is it lack of motivation or skills for employment or do they throw their hands up and say "I give up on life"? This is the worst economy I've ever experienced but I can't say it's all that bad. Granted, I've been unemployed longer than any other period of my life but I'm not sitting around doing nothing. I know how to make money, even if it's doing manual labor like mowing lawns, some construction work or anything like that. But I've chosen to start my own business to get the ball rolling. Little money is starting to trickle in (nothing at all like what it was before) but it's a start. I guess what I'm saying is homelessness is a decision. If I were faced with homelessness, I would ask a friend or family member for help to stay with them. And if any of my friends or family were faced with that decision, I would take them in with opened arms. It wouldn't be forever, just until I, or they, get back up on our feet. I find it hard to believe that someone doesn't have any friends or family to turn to.
  • i wonder about them, what got them in that situation and ultimately I feel thankful I am not in their position
  • I have been homeless. I spent 7 months sleeping in a van. I spent a lot of time playing my guitar and feeling sorry for myself. I blamed the world and I felt the world blamed me. The vast majority of people didn't see me. I am currently working on my masters in psychology to begin my own practice. It takes hardwork, the problem is that most homeless people have given up on themselves. It is hard to accept a hand up when most hands coming your way are slapping you down. To answer the question, I'm not annoyed, I do feel sorry, I don't feel guilty, I want to point them to a way to help themselves, I don't ignore them and I do sometimes judge them.
  • I ignore them, since I don't give my money away to strangers when I don't know what they will do with it. I'm not starving, but I am a bit strapped for cash, so lavishly handing out money would be a bit hard. Also handouts don't solve their problems, it just delays them. Sorry if I sound mean, its just been my experience.
  • I want to help anyone who is downtrodden. However, too many of these people are scam artists. I have seen them turn heel and use devices that I, as a working person, can not afford to own. It is deplorable. However, I do help out at a homeless shelter and previously a food pantry. At least the guys that are there are trying to get on their feet. They are legitimately homeless and in need of services.

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