• Waited until the last minute to do the assigned essay, huh?
  • Low score fpr essay coming up tomrrow but points from me for effort :-)
  • I'm not sure exactly what you're asking, but here are a few observations. In the USA, it is common for the generations to live separately, parents sending their children in early adulthood and grandparents living alone or in nursing homes. In many other cultures this is not so. Many benefits come from intergenerational homes. Older ones receive emotional support and a great sense of purpose while parents gain a helping hand and the grandchildren receive the wisdom of age. When generations live together, harmony is very important. A peaceful home is happy and productive; often serious problems are few. There is greater stability and security. So, it's not necessary for generations to live together, but generally the advantages outweigh the challlenges. To acheive this outcome, patience, understanding, tolerance and love are essential. Hope this gives you some insight, not just for your paper but for life.

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