• If you don't count numbers like "09" as two digit, then the two digit numbers go from 10 to 99. Similarly, the three digit numbers go from 100 to 999.
  • There are 180 teo digit numbers.The positive ones(10-99) and the negative ones (-10 to -99)
  • We say 0-s may be omitted from the left of the numbers in positional numeric systems for convenience. Does this mean that 01 is NOT a two digit number, no matter it expresses the same quantity as 1? Put the question the other way round: how many unsigned numbers can be represented in two positions using a Decimal numeric system? This should be 100 as an answer...
  • depends on what number base system you want to use. in base 2 just 2, 10 and 11(2+3), in base 8, 10 through 77(8-63), in base 16, 10 through FF (16 -to 255). or for base X the count of 2 digit numbers is =Xsquared-X and for 3 digit numbers Xcubed less Xsquared less X... times 2, if you want to do negative numbers as well.

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