• Green. I think. EDIT: I reserve the right to revise and extend my remarks. Oranges look the most appealing when they are a deep, vibrant orange colour; but, on the tree, a mature orange is usually green-skinned. It will turn orange only if the cold temperature destroys the green chlorophyll pigments, allowing the yellow carotenoids underneath to show through. In warmer climates, oranges are always green; but, in the US, oranges are green only if they are picked in the fall before the first cold snap or if they are picked early in the spring when the tree is flooded with chlorophyll to nourish the coming new growth. Green oranges will also change colour if they are exposed to ethylene gas which, like the cold, breaks down the chlorophyll in the skin. Oranges are often dyed to attain the orange colour that consumers demand.
  • The house I grew up in had 2 lemon trees and an orange tree in the yard. When the fruit was ripe for picking, the oranges were orange and the lemons were yellow. I believe Someguy is thinking of tomatos, which are often picked green and allowed to ripen to redness in storage.
  • Oranges can be picked green and ripened in storage (although they are not as sweet), and this often happens on a commercial scale. When looking at an orange tree in the home garden, and you pick when they are ripe, they are orange in colour.
  • ORANGE - maybe a touch of green on them
  • Kind of a light orange with a lttle green to them.
  • We had all sorts of citrus trees and you picked them when they were the color they should be. Lemons were all yellow and oranges were all orange. Limes were a bright green Tangerines were a reddish orange.
  • usually you will start to see one or two oranges on the ground because they grew to their full stage, that's a sign you can pick them. Also, the oranges should be heavier so the branches are pulled down further than usual. Hope this helps.
  • Since I have excellent experience picking oranges I am an expert in this subject. First of all it depends upon the variety of the orange as some varieties will ripen sooner than others. From my experience I have found that February and March were always the best times of the year for me to pick oranges. 'Oranges in their true color are yellow and green. It would be far healthier if the consumer could grow accustomed to what would appear to be an esthetically unappetizing orange. Look for thin skin, heavy fruit, and store in the refrigerator.' Source:

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