• My dad used to think so. They even have their own banks, apparently...couldn't say for sure, but I guess they are the equivalent of what pirates used to be some centuries ago. Only like, with motorcycles, and not fancy vessels stolen from the English. XD
  • carefully reread what you just wrote.
  • The word "outlaw" is the operative term. If they are outlaws, then they are criminals....There are many motorcycle clubs and organizations. No, they are not outlaws. If any are, or have members that are, they will be nailed and jailed. There were a lot of silly Hollywood movies back in the sixties and seventies that had motorcycle gangs terrorizing small towns with impunity. This was BS. And the "Hell's Angels" were mostly hype. They were just hippies on motorcycles. Any "outlawism" or terrorizing would have quickly been met by twelve guage buckshot and 30.06 rifles by any communitiy in my area, at least until the National Guard could get there. There probably would be nothing left for the Guard or Law to do. Truth. It never happened. Some of those old boys were dumb and liked to get high, but they weren't that dumb. (lol)
  • Only if they are committing crimes of course.
  • Actually yes quite a few are. Thats why the majority of them have been involved in the federal justice system,be it rico acts,drug trafficking,extortion etc.

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