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  • Anyone who thinks like this has some control and judgment issues they need to deal with. When you point a finger at someone else, especially an entire group you don't even know, you are pointing three back at yourself. No, I don't find strppers disgusting. Some are, some are not.
  • I don't... and I would probably not be particularly friendly with anyone who did think this way, because I would consider them an asshole with issues.
  • nope. Not my cup of tea, but certainly not any more disgusting and disrespectful than any other segment of society. I have known plenty of bible thumping hypocrites who were less discriminating about their sex lives.
  • i find that strippers who have kids are not on welfare, go on to higher education. in fact, thats what most strippers are strippers i find your question disrespectful..
  • At one time in my life, I used to entertain myself with that form of entertainment and justified it by trying to think of it as an art form! I financially supported that while my mind sank deeper into the depths of sin. Strippers are disciples of Satan and do a good job of it. They are no better than prostitutes, rapist and child molesters! Just a sign of the end times.
  • No, I do not, no more than anyone else. I say leave them alone and go your own way. They are here to stay that is for sure.
  • Did Jesus find prostitutes disgusting as you find strippers?
  • No, I don't. There is a lifestyle associated with it that I do not approve of because it is harmful, but stripping is a legal way of earning money. Many of those ladies are working their way through college, or supporting children. To think of someone like that whom you do not know is judgemental, and mean-spirited as hell! If I had the choice to hang around with the strippers or you, I'd go with the strippers. God only knows what you'd say when I wasn't around. +5
  • I'm sure someone else besides you does, but I don't. I try not to judge people, but I understand that it's a difficult thing to avoid for some people.
  • No each his own and no they are not disgusting and disrespectful to themselves?
  • by the way, what types of things can a girl say to get a guy horny? hypocrisy at its finest! take him to a strip club!
  • ..ya know..strippers are people too, it's judgements like that that help to create so much prejudice in this world...
  • No I believe strippering is a profession like any other profession. A stripper has to be confident and's a form of art.
  • I'm sure there are others that do but I respect them as much as I respect any good dancer, gymnast or other person that can use their body in an amazing way.
  • Anonymus I dont find them disgusting or disrespectful, I have learned over the years that many of these girls and hell guys for that matter are very well educated and looking for ways to pay for an education. I have found them to be people who need to make a living to pay their bills. Perhaps for some it is all they can do. I equally know there are dives out in the world where strippers reside to feed their habits of the drug kind but for the most part that later is not the rule of thumb. . What I find disgusting and disrespectful is folks collecting off the system that are extremely capable of working but would rather stand in a line with their damn hand out. Again this does not apply to all but to the ones it does is what truly should be more upsetting to us.
  • I don't. I'm not a fan of strip clubs but I don't pass judgement on the people who work there.
  • No, at least you KNOW what they are offering and they're not exactly charging you for something that may or may not happen. LOL, kind of like the insurance company. There are careers out there with impressive (and trusting) 'titles' that may require you to lie to the public, take their money and sell something that is disguised as something you 'need' or something that will better your (or other people's) life.
  • I think some are trashy but there are those that are not. I depends on the club/bar and the dancer themselves....I know many are very professional and talented and some are sleezy and will do anything behind the club for the right price. It's about the individual, not the profession.
  • You may find strippers disgusting, I suppose; you have that right. But it's not possible to think that they are "disrespectful to themselves" ... unless you're one of them. So if you're a stripper and filled with this self-loathing, then I'm sorry for you. Your life must be hell. Personally, I'm a lot more bummed out by lying, cheating and crooked politicians, abusive and ignorant cops, idiotic teachers, rigid and rule-bound bureaucrats without any sense ... and a lot of self-righteous and generally hypocritical moralizers. If you find yourself in one of those categories, then consider yourself disgusting to me. As for "disrespectful to themselves", I'm still not sure how to get inside someone else's head to make that determination for them, but if you can, then more power to 'ya. Also, on a personal level, I think a lot of strippers are kinda gorgeous. But I admit that I think that of so very many women that there's nothing extraordinary in that observation.
  • Strippers are not disgusting. What they do may be but they are not. I had an antique/gift store on the same block as a strip joint years ago. Some of the strippers used to shop in my store. They were no different on surface than anyone else and it was not up to me to judge why they did what they did, nor is it up to you. I do however feel they are being disrespectful to themselves because if they had a higher level of self esteem they probably wouldn't choose to do what they do. Unfortunately, they were not that fortunate so they have chosen to do what they can to make a living. At least they aren't on welfare.
  • Not just to themselves, but to women as a whole. They promote the objectification of women and try to promote and glorify it as well. This includes anyone involved in porn or prostitution. Its sad they don't see their real worth.
  • I think the people who pay to watch others take off their clothes are more disgusting and disrespectful to themselves.
  • I have a friend that is a stripper and she is not disgusting the men that patronize the club, and want special favors after hours in the boom boom room are disgusting.
  • why do you care? if u dont like them dont go to places where they are. its none of your business if a woman wants to take off her clothes for money or get paid for sex. obviously theres a huge market for it or woman wouldnt be doing it in the first place. by the way, what about male strippers? dont be so ignorant
  • Disgusting? No way, strippers are SEXY and BEAUTIFUL!!!!
  • NO it's an art form that has been going on for thousands of years. It's a dance of a sexual nature. It's what she does after she strips that is the real issue.
  • I don't. They aren't stealing or robbing or sitting on the welfare dockets. Nothing disgusting about that.
  • no! who am i to judge if i dont know there circumstances,at least its honest work
  • No, there is a degree of talent involved in stripping that I actually find impressive. Everyone can artlessly shuck their shorts, a stripper has to be a little more creative than that or she/he doesn't get paid.
  • no just dead inside.
  • Its good for what it is. I could live in a world without it, or course...or without anything like it. And I dont advise it to anybody, and I think theres other ways to make money. But I dont find the STRIPPER herself/himself disgusting...
  • No. I think I would have made a good stripper myself actually. I may well try it in my next life. It's quite well paid and, of course, being a p*** star can take you to all sorts of places.;)

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