• A bow wave is the wave that forms at the bow of a boat when it moves through the water. As the bow wave spreads out, it defines the outer limits of a boat's wake. The size of the bow wave is a function of the speed of the boat, ocean waves, ocean depth, and the shape of the bow. A boat with a large draft and a blunt bow will produce a large wave, while boats that plane over the surface of the water or boats fitted with a bulbous bow will create smaller bow waves. Reducing the size of the bow wave is a major goal of naval architecture, as bow waves sap energy from the boat and reduce fuel economy; as well, large bow waves can damage shore facilities such as docks if a large boat sails past at high speed. A rooster tail on a drag boatA specific case is a rooster tail where, for instance, a boat kicks up a plume of water behind it, which arcs in the air. Rooster tails are so called since they resemble the arced tail of a rooster. This term is also used in other activities such as cycling and water skiing. --

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