• A volcano that is not presently erupting and is not likely to do so for a very long time in the future.
  • Extinct Volcano is a Volcano whose magma chamber dont exsist any more.In other words it has run out of magma.Hence it has no future possibility of eruption in future.
  • They're called mountains.
  • Volcano that will never erupt again in future. These are usually tourist locations these days.
  • There are three types of volcano: -active eg Stromboli, Mt Etna These volcanoes erupt quite frequently and generally do not cause too much damage, possibly because people know they are trouble and keep their houses away and/or their venting keeps a big eruption from happening. -dormant eg Vesuvius Mt St Helens these volcanoes have erupted in recent times (eg the last 50 years), but are quiet at the moment The problem may be, however, that when new magma seeks an escape route, it will be trapped by solidified older flows, causing explosions and pyroclastic flows. -extinct. these volcanoes have, to all intensive purposes, finished erupting. They have recorded no eruptions in a long long time, and may have been weathered down to just the ancient plug eg the Sydney Blue Mountains.
  • An extinct volcano is one that has been cut off from its supply of lava. Therefore, it is no longer able to erupt.
  • Volcano Vocabulary An active volcano is one that erupts regularly. A dormant volcano is one that has not erupted for many years, although there is still some activity deep inside. An extinct volcano has ceased to be active. A volcanic eruption is when hot rocks and lava burst from a volcano. Geysers are springs that throw boiling water high in the air. They are caused by volcanic heat warming trapped ground water.

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