• I don't know that "persecution complex" is in the DSM IV, but certainly there are times when people have a strong predisposition to interpret neutral or innocent events as personal attacks. I would say this starts with seeing oneself as a victim of external forces... which is correlated with abandoning personal responsibility for one's own life in some area(s).
  • Someone with a persecution complex will be convinced that something, someone, or possibly everything and everyone is out to get them. Examples would include, being convinced the weather is being manipulated in order to inconvenience them, thinking the newsreader is speaking directly to them, considering every stranger that glances their way to be a CIA agent trying to trap them. That sort of thing.
  • I tell you, they *are* out to get me....:-D... . . .
  • The term persecution complex is not well defined....generally the first couple answers above are fairly good. One should, however, keep in mind that there are times when psychological injury occur from insidious bullying caused by jealousy and envy. These assaults are usually minor when taken individually but compound the insult because they are inflicted over time. A really good site for more on this is
  • Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they aren't out to get you. Beware!
  • Persecution complex. Now that is complex. Let's see. Did the jews suffer from a persecution complex in Germany when they were hauled off to the concentration camps? No I think they were imagining it all right up to their deaths. People that suffer from alot of trauma (there are so many) are apt to feel more defensive. I think people feel more defensive today than ever for everything is scrutinized. And sometimes even though you haven't done anything wrong you are attacked. As me why it happens. I just think the wave of law suits, crime, political and religious unrest, drugs, fear of being safe, jobs, money a collective amount of events in our lives. So I agree that we all suffer from persecution complex to one degre or another. To deny that does not represent the truth.

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