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  • Was he a daily smoker? I was, and I got a little cranky when I stopped. I think it was because a normal part of my routine went bye bye. I got over it naturally in less then a month. Honestly, I think that getting him an activity to do will help him along. I started hiking again when I quit smoking and it made me feel very calm and collected while I was out in the woods. Tell him good luck, and that he'll be better off for it in the long run.
  • the key is moderation my friend, just let him smoke like 3 times a week, and smoke just a little bit
  • I think you need a real reason to stop. I smoked every single day usually at least 8-10 times a day. I recently stopped because I'm living a miserable life and it was the only thing I looked forward to. Now I'm looking at a career that I did not go to school and is a bit "out of the box" but there's no marijuana use allowed and I'll be drug screened at least twice before getting a job, and if I'm lucky enough to get one, random tested. I hope I can smoke again ...SOMEDAY but giving it up has been easy for me. Marijuana is not that addicted but I do know what it's like. I used to not want to do anything unless there was weed involved because I thought it made it more "fun." I'm now focused though on bettering my life and willing to give it up. The first step is not buying it anymore, if someone has some you can smoke a little bla bla bla. I quit for like a week but said I'd quit at the end of June and sure enough smoked my last bowl on May 31 (technically it was early morning of June 1 shhh!) After a week or so goes by it's no thing. I do miss it's not that hard to get on without it. Although a side effect has been heavy drinking and smoking cigarettes.
  • Various kinds of sex can take the edge off a guy.
  • i started smoking a year ago..i recently stopped because im in rehab at the time being..cigerettes help (even though you probably dont want him to pick up another habit) and klonopin helps calm you down and stop the withdrawls as well.

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