• It is part of lifes process. How do you feel when a wildabeast is killed by a lion to feed her pride?
  • i care and i want the meat i serve my family to be treated humanely, but that is not in my control. we sometimes raise our own animals for food and we treat them with care and respect, but they do have one real purpose.
  • I dont feel bad about it at all. Bring on the meat!
  • I don't care, like Hillshire Farms states: Go meat!
  • I have absolutely no problem with my place in the food chain.
  • I feel strongly enough about it to not eat meat. My eldest child is also a vegetarian. My husband and our twins eat meat.
  • It's a shame, but having said that I don't get any pangs of guilt every time I eat some meat, animals are eaten all the time by other animals.
  • They are killed to feed other animals as well...thats just how it is. The Cycle of life. I don't feel bad about it.
  • I don't really have a problem with it, what bothers me is how excessive it is, and that it easily breaches the necessary bounds.
  • Its life. People are carnivores.
  • Not really. Killing is essential.
  • I don't feel bad...I am however thankful to the animal for its gifts... I am Canadian American Indian. We are raised with respect concerning all life especially animals.
  • I'm actually happy about it. I love meat and I love animals. It would be cruel to cook and eat them while they were alive.
  • It's me or the bear, or the wolf or the whatever. Someone's gonna eat it. Might as well put a little salt & garlic on it, then grill it.
  • I don't recall being present at the creation of the earth, and no one asked my opinion, so I am stuck in a world the requires all life to come to an end someday, and requires something to die, in order that I may live. It's the way "life" is, and I accept that.
  • I think the fact that humans can live healthy lives on a vegetarian diet yet continue to eat meat proves only one thing - we do it because we want to, not because we rely on meat to live. If killing isn't bad enough on it's own, they way that it's done is cruel & millions of animals are killed every year & not even used to feed people or other animals - so we just like killing things it seems? So much for compassion.
  • I feel squeamish about it but not so much that I can't eat a steak. I do think that slaughter should be as humane as possible and that they shouldn't live in miserable conditions.
  • It is very sad that humans are such selfish creatures! I find it interesting that a number here respond and compare themselves to much less intelligent animals. A lion kills because it has to. Humans don't have to, but choose to kill because they simply don't care. We have a much higher level of intelligence, and what do most do with it? Promote extreme cruelty in factory farming, and horrific, painful killing of innocent creatures simply because they taste good when cooked. Anonymous, I think in the question, you meant to say: Do you feel bad, or could you NOT care less?
  • I'm totally ok with that..other animals eat other animals so why shouldn't we eat animals too? We're equipped to do so..It's natural order, but maybe some animals (purely for aesthetic or health reasons) shouldn't be eaten but I think the manner in which these animals we eat are killed should be of concern, mainly for health reasons.
  • Very bad and ashamed.
  • It's not that I don't care, but I've accepted it as a part of life. Animals eat each other. And we (with the exception of a few) don't expect wild animals like lions or wolves to abstain from eating other animals, so we shouldn't either.
  • I do feel bad about it. Everyone should feel terrible about it. 4.6 million animals slaughtered for food last year. And is meat absolutely necessary in this day and age? I don't think so. I guess the problem is that most of us - somehow, for whatever reason - don't feel bad enough about it. We don't really think of animals as having a soul or something.
  • It is bad for humans, among other reasons, because the land could have been used to feed people directly instead of livestock. I am sure that you understand why it is bad for livestock animals. --- Not all humans eat meat, especially the ones that think it is ridiculous how the livestock creatures are treated.
  • I have no problem with it....the cycle continues. Animals kill one another to survive and we are animals.
  • i do not feel bad.
  • I think that it is a shame that it is illegal to eat humans. Why is it okay to eat a hog, but not a person?
  • its called nature, i dont have any problem with it; most animals are not sentient beings anyways, plus you dont see any vegetarian lions or tigers out there do you? animals were created for the specific use for humans, they are in no way anywhere near equals to us. You have to eat meat to survive or else take tons of vitamin suplements to be healthy; i think thats a sign animals were meant to be eaten. It biology and its something called the Food chain. So no i dont feel bad at all.
  • So delicious. Mmmmmmm.
  • life is death and death is life. Would you rather I clear rain forrests to make room for all the cattle we shouldn't eat or for toilet paper? thousands of animals die each year just so we can wipe our bums...wipe up the counter..write a letter...send junk mail.. and WE DON'T EAT EM!!! There are animals made for food...and anmials to provide balance...if we didn't eat the animals provided to us for food...where the hell would we put them?? I don't know about you but in pennsylvania we don't have a natural carnivor that kills cattle for a living...or pigs...other than people... GO MEAT!
  • Being someone who is sensitive to what is going on outside myself, I find it impossible to enjoy eating meat, so I don't. Ever. I believe those who eat meat generally prefer to be blissfully ignorant to how carcasses come to be for sale in stores, but I think they prefer to be ignorant on many levels, as well, except for special personal interests or job-related expertise. I don't think this is always the case, but you know how consumers generally are: lazy and, more importantly, easily sold to by advertisers' means of selling to the emotions and base feelings. Pictures are the best way to do this, of course. Pictures and few words... To answer most directly...I feel terrible about animals being hunted or killed in slaughterhouses, and the penny-pinching methods of the latter is the result of the worst of both worlds (of being so called human): someone has the cheap-ass but human/thinking ahead strategy to develop the cheapest (most painful) slaughtering methods, but the selfish, ignorant survivalist mindset to not give a damn. Most people aren't human in all aspects, and meat-eaters are just like any other animal to me, except they ought to know better. To truly be apart from other animals (or to endeavor to be equal to the finest), vegetarianism is, I believe, necessary, and veganism is the ultimate in independence...
  • They feel good, because they know God put them here on the planet for the human to be able to survive. God protects the animal from feeling any pain during the butchering...

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