• Someone that makes no sense.
  • Bill Maher The full quote: "“Obama is a harder target now in that he's *not* horny, he's *not* stupid, he's *not* angry, he *doesn't* cheat on his wife, he's *not* fat. He's not all these things that we had in the last two presidents that were so easy to make fun of. But he's not an infallible chocolate Jesus, either.” He takes a comic beat, then adds: “That's Kanye West.”"
  • Bill Maher. In I think the funniest he's ever been.
  • Apparently it was Bill Maher; I think that is freaking hilarious!
  • he is no where near Jesus...i honestly see this man as leaving his faith,whatever that was, for ESTEEM,POWER and POLITICS....and thats a bad,bad bad, thing......these things about him being this is disturbing to should be to Obama himself....he knows the Bible on such,but i think it has trully "gone to his head"...he is a college educated idiot........he does not know who he is ,just who he would like to be:) he is a FALLIBLE(false) person, period!!:)
  • Bill Maher. And Obama is kind of like the chocolate Jesus I bought for Easter: Looks great on the outside, but hollow and disappointing on the inside.
  • The same guy who starred in Religerous. Nuff said!
  • Ted Nougat.

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