• No, I don't -- "Klaatu" is the alien pilot's NAME. It's probably closer to "Klaatu sent me" or something like that.
  • Klaatu was the dude's (Michael Rennie) name. I always thought it meant something like "Klaatu says everything's cool."
  • Could be, but I always thought it meant, "Talk to Klaatu before you do anything" as Gort immediately retreived Klaatu's body and resurected him. An interesting bit of trivia... the script originally called for Klaatu's resurection to be permanent. The studio complained that this would have the Christian movie goers up in arms and forced the director, Robert Wise, to insert a disclaimer, "That power is reserved to the Almighty Spirit. This technique, in some cases, can restore life for a limited period." Hope this helps.
  • I have it on good authority that this is the correct translation: "Gort, I've fallen and I can't get up." * Sorry! I found that on a button at a sci fi convention and couldn't resist. Does anyone remember those commercials? * Remember, he says, "Gort, Klaatu barada nikto." Actually, I think he is giving instructions that he needs to be retrieved and taken to the ship.
  • And I thought that line was from Bruce Campbell in Army Of

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