• Too many , when you are shy almost every social occasion feels like an embarressing moment
  • i slipped and fell in a bar, not because i was drunk, but the floor was wet from rain. and of course i was wearing white pants (that turned into a brownish muddy color)
  • hows this for embarrassing dance floor tight skirt bent to far rippp!
  • Just one?!? Well, I don't know which to choose because I would like to tell it with intense detail. But for now how about this: . Maybe I'll put another at a later time.
  • I was getting on the bus that was taking some of the 8th grade class to our end of the year field trip. I was the last one to get on the bus, so I tried to rush to a seat way in the back. When I did, my foot got caught on someone's bookbag, and I fell right on my face! I looked up to see that my face landed next to my crushes seat. I'm 23 now, but still remember...
  • no, i wouldn't like to share one. but i will anyway, so consider yourself pretty lucky. in the third grade, i was going to kick the ball. my shoes were pretty big on me, because i was a tiny kid. the ball was rolling towards me pretty fast, and i didnt have contacts that year. i went to kick the ball, and i completely missed, my foot flinging my shoe in the air, which made me lose balance, fall on the ball, and even worse, the shoe hit me in the head. the whole class burst into mass hysteria. i almost cried and went home "sick". it was a terrible day.
  • Yes. I was in public school getting ready for PE, and I was talking to my friend whilst getting undressed to get into my sport gear. Next thing he is laughing as I had got completely undressed. I dont know what happened there, but I was embarrassed.
  • Oneday while at a meeting i sneezed and i passed gas when i sneezed. Everyone looked at me. It was very quiet and i was sooooooooo emabrassed that i wanted to go home and find a new job.
  • i was sitting in a meeting at work and it seemed to last forever, so i leaned back on my chair and it flipped completly over dumping me on the floor. the mill manager was not very amused , but everyone else laughed themselves silly
  • Having my friend pull down my skirt at a party.... knowing i wasn't wearing any panties. Free show for all, damn it!
  • ive got tonnes but here is a few! a boy that fancied me pulled down my trousers! and i had miney mouse knickers on omg! i went to open a door to get into main reception at skl and as the door was open i slipped and fell straight on my bum! the worst of it was that it was in a puddle!! i know i know! the other was that my fiend said sumthing really rude now i usually dont find rude things funny but this i did... then i saw our science teacher staring at us i felt so dirty. i look back on it now and laugh and feel free to giggle to your hearts content!lol
  • The last embarrassing moment I had was when I wrote up the wrong new car for my customer. It was brought out all ready to go and I was so nervous I had written up all the wrong info, registration, etc. I don't get that nervous anymore nor do I get embarrassed. I laugh about it and go on . . . life's too short.
  • I ran into a pole the other day and chipped a tooth. I have to keep explaining what happen and everytime i hear myself i think about how stupid i am!
  • years ago my husband and myself were at his company summer picnic, I was wearing a pair of white shorts and what I thought where a pair of white bikini panties on underneath, but what I didnt realize the panties I had on had the word "EASY" printed on the butt side of the underwear, which they easily showed through, it was quite a while before one to the ladies told me about it,,so everytime I walked by someone EASY could be seen through my shorts,, total embarrasment

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