• Same God, different names and different ways to worship.
  • Not all religions are monotheistic and therefore cannot logically lead to the same monotheistic deity. For hundreds of years Roman, Egyptian and Greek deities (to name only a few) coexisted with similar mythologies and gods of similar sorts but today are considered to be purely literary fantasy. Christianity, Islam and Judaism all have similar cultural roots that diverge not unlike an evolutionary tree. The spread of monotheism can be more attributed to military conquest than truth. Considering the different sects and splinter groups that have arisen in the past several centuries, not to mention decades, I would say that we still live in a world with as many gods as there ever have been. If you take into account all the personal gods of those who don't subscribe to any institutional religion the number is perhaps astronomical. In the end the only god anyone believes in is the one in their own mind that lets them ignore the nagging truth that they will one day cease to exist.
  • All religions *could* I suppose. They are all seeking union or knowledge of something ineffable and undefinable. That something is what we call God and all of the religions have their own take on what God is. And most of them think they're the only "right" ones. And none of them is accurate beyond a glimmer, perhaps, of understanding. But I think they're all talking about the same thing. Human ego though won't let them admit it or see. And religious hierarchies are frightened to death of the fact that knowledge of, or union with, God is ultimately a solitary journey. We're social creatures and hate going it alone.
  • How do we truly know if any religion leads us to god,any form of god.
  • Yes the point of religion is to worship a 'higher power' all the other shameless fabrications are made up by humans, but the main purpose is to worship that entity that we have no idea exists or not.
  • Ever play telephone. Same message gets all messed up. What if all of our messages (religions) have a little 'mess' in them?
  • Maybe not all,but the major ones yes.Because there is only one...But lead us there,I don`t know.
  • "Religions", which I think of as set beliefs and dogmas... doubtful, as Chaotic said above. But all authentic spiritual paths will lead you to the one Allness, whether it's called God or Allah.
  • In the long span of time (God's time), going back home is absolutely unavoidable. So regardless of the move toward God or away from God, all will eventually end up back home (Story of the Prodigal Son). Click on my avatar if you want more context on this original kingdom gospel.
  • Absolutely There is one God, One lifeforce that animates all life, and all existence. All religions talk about the same God, However each religion has their own interpretation of God, so each Religions approach to understanding is different, This all we know.... Each religion has their own Holy Books and their Own Prophets and teachers. And what else do we know? that every religion thinks that their the one true religion. Religions will direct you toward God, and strengthen Your belief in that way. But there is a difference between Belief and Experience. One can believe in God without ever having experienced that pure Primordial energy within themselves.
  • Religions can lead people wherever their authors choose to lead them. The underlying issue is not unity or happiness, it is truth. Regardless of whether religions are fragmented or unified, the problem remains that they are worshipping unproven deities whose existence is dependant on ignorance (i.e. I can't explain how X happened, therefore God X must have done it)
  • Yes, In Judgement Day! Right now we all worship In what we believe from buddhas,elephants,snakes,saints,man made gods,the truth that everyone knows but just doesn't want to believe to etc! In the end whether that person believes or not,then we will all be separated by one God that Is the creator! Revelation 22:13 I am Alpha and the Omega,the first and the last,the beginning and the end.
  • I don't know why everybody here is saying yes.Why they are answering for christianity?Jesus said I am the way the truth and the life,NO man cometh to the Father,but by ME.According to the bible NO.Doesn't get any clearer than that.
  • All religions (and some other systems) are capable of leading people to a higher place. If you describe that as god, so be it, but I don't think that word is helpful. The problem is that the vast majority of people get hung up on the details.
  • Indeed they can, all religion is a guide...similar to an atlas. There are MANY different paths to the same destination.
  • Everyone is climbing up the same mountain. Their paths may differ but the summit is the same.Few reach it and those who do, help others as guides!
  • No. John 14:6, Jesus said that He was THE Way. NO one comes to the Father(God) except through Him. I think Jesus made it pretty clear with those words.
  • No, because many belief systems don't have gods, per se, at all. They have spirits, ghosts, demons etc, but these are local supernatural phenomena not any kind of universal creator or benevolent supervisory. In the west, people tens to be hypnotized by the Abrahamic religions and to believe that all other religions are the same in having a supreme being or beings. But many of the tribal religions do not have any concept of such a supreme being at all, so it is difficult to see how they could lead to "the Same God".
  • Something about the wars they fight against each other tells me no.
  • All religions do indeed lead to the same god, except the true religion. This one leads to the only true god.
  • Indirectly yes. When it comes to Holy Wars, some of us end up meeting God sooner rather than later.
  • Good question which I have no answer too, however I do want to relate one point. What if a person adheres to one religion all his life, and at the end time we find it was in fact it was the wrong one and we go to hell as a result? THis is one fear that keeps me at bay at accepting a organized Doctrine.

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